Providing Lasting Solutions
To Complex Tax Issues
  • Take Control Of Your Unpaid Taxes
  • Keep Your Account From Being Wiped Out
  • Get Guidance Before Talking To The IRS

IRS Civil Tax Penalties Attorney

Providing Relief From Tax Penalties

Many times when there is a dispute, the IRS assesses more than just taxes and interest, it also assesses penalties. The IRS uses penalties as a way to encourage all taxpayers to file a return and pay the amount due, and as punishment for those who do not. The most common penalties include:

  • Failure to file a return
  • Failure to pay taxes
  • Failure to properly report a tax liability
  • Fraudulent reporting
  • Failure to properly report taxpayer information

These penalties come with a range of costs, some as much as 75 percent of your tax debt.

We have successfully represented taxpayers in penalty disputes and have had the penalties reduced or removed altogether. We can do the same for you.

Do Not Let Small Mistakes Turn Into Large Tax Problems

We have attorneys in St. Louis, Nashville, Ste. Genevieve so schedule a consultation today with one of our offices and see how our IRS tax services could help you:
Ste. Genevieve, 573-883-3056; St. Louis, 314-260-6120; Nashville, 615-733-8168; and San Antonio, 726-202-1300.

“The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.”


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