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Legal professional examining tax documents to protect client rights during an investigation.

Protecting Your Rights During A Criminal Tax Investigation: A Beginner’s Guide

Tax Law

In this article, you can discover…

  • Whether you should have an attorney present when you speak to the IRS.
  • The documents you’ll need in light of an IRS investigation
  • What to do if your rights are violated, and how an attorney can help.

Do I Need Legal Representation To Speak With The IRS?

Absolutely. Dealing with the IRS is just like dealing with the police. The IRS is not your friend, and they will try to use anything you say against you in your case. Without legal representation, people have a natural tendency to overexplain things. Your attorney will be able to provide the necessary information to the authorities without accidentally volunteering details that will give the IRS leverage against you.

Your attorney will be able to properly discuss your situation with the IRS while maintaining confidentiality and protecting the integrity of your case. I have often handled criminal investigation cases with the US District Court and US Attorney’s Office on behalf of clients in order to ensure that no compromising information is unveiled.

What Rights Do I Have If IRS Agents Approach Me In Missouri?

Like any investigation, you do not have to let IRS agents into your home or business unless they have a search warrant. In fact, you do not even have to speak to them without a warrant; you can simply tell them that you are in the process of obtaining legal counsel and will talk to them once you are being represented.

Many people run into trouble when they volunteer too much information to the IRS upfront. They may serve you with a summons, but you do not have to speak to them if you do not want to.

What Documents Required During An Investigation?

During your investigation, you will be legally required to provide any documents that are relevant to the scope of the inquiry by the authorities. This generally includes any relevant financial information but not all financial records. If you have a business or streams of income that are not subject to the investigation, we can fight to prove that they are not connected to your case.

What Protections Do I Have During An Investigation?

If the IRS has the right to come after your business and chooses to do so, your attorney can appear in lieu of yourself as a taxpayer and represent you during any inspections or personal visits. This can help protect your legal rights and ensure agents conduct the investigation appropriately and legally.

What Can I Do If My Rights Are Violated?

If you feel that your rights are being violated, we can fight for your rights in US Tax Court after your case goes through an IRS appeal. If we cannot reach an arrangement with the IRS, we will take your case to the US Attorney’s Office, where many of our clients have had success winning a reasonable and fair judgment.

How Can A Tax Attorney Negotiate With The IRS On My Behalf, And Ensure My Rights Are Protected At Every Step Of The Way?

Make sure you don’t talk to the IRS directly; your lawyer can do this on your behalf to protect your rights and interests. Your attorney can also ensure that all documents the IRS will need or request are provided.

You may think you’ve provided everything, but the process can be incredibly confusing, leaving even highly organized people in over their heads. As attorneys, we’re also trained in argumentation and negotiation and have the skills to negotiate the best possible settlement on your behalf.

How Would You Help A Client Protect Their Rights During A Criminal Tax Investigation?

I handled a case where a gentleman had no evidence for any of his business expenses, which had amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars. As he had no documentation to back up his claims, he had a tax liability of close to $200,000. It seemed his case would turn criminal, but we were able to negotiate and prevent further action. He ended up receiving a substantial fraud penalty, but we were able to negate any potential for his case to land him in federal prison.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

If you need further assistance with How To Protect Your Rights During A Criminal Tax Investigation, Attorney Lance Drury can provide the information and legal counsel that you need. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling 573-883-3056 today.

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