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How does Missouri’s tax rate compare to other states?

In addition to their federal tax liability, another thing that can have major financial implications for a person is what kind of state and local tax liability they have. States vary considerably in what level of taxes they place on their residents. A recent WalletHub report compared the tax rates of the different states. The study looked

How does Missouri’s tax rate compare to other states? Read More »

Missouri Supreme Court hears sales tax case involving the Rams

Here in Missouri, among the big tax issues that are present for businesses are sales tax issues. Sometimes, disputes can arise between a business and the state over such taxes. Such disputes can come up for all different sorts of businesses. As a case that is currently before the Missouri Supreme Court illustrates, this includes

Missouri Supreme Court hears sales tax case involving the Rams Read More »

Report recommends IRS make a culture change in interactions

Many people view interactions with the Internal Revenue Service negatively and as something to dread. There are various reasons for this. One is that such interactions sometimes happen in very stressful and high-stakes situations, such as situations in which a taxpayer is accused of having done something wrong on their taxes or told they owe

Report recommends IRS make a culture change in interactions Read More »