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The power of IRS revenue officers not limitless

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No one likes to feel like their fate is in the hands of someone else. This is a feeling one can easily get when they are in a tax dispute with the Internal Revenue Service. For example, a taxpayer may feel like the revenue officer in their case has absolute power to decide their fate.

It is true that IRS revenue officers can use some very powerful tools in tax cases, and it is worth keeping in mind that how interactions with a revenue officer go can have big impacts in tax cases. However, it is also important to be aware that there are limits to the power of these government officials.

Specifically, there are rules and regulations such officers are required to follow in their conduct in tax cases.

There are many reasons why having a solid idea of what limitations are placed on revenue officers can be important when dealing with the IRS, including that:

  • It can help a person know if the revenue officer in their case has engaged in conduct that they shouldn’t have.
  • It can provide insights into what tactics to expect from the revenue officer, as what limitations are present can impact what tactics government officials use.
  • It can help a person understand what the relative bargaining positions would be in negotiations with the IRS.

Tax attorneys can provide individuals who are in a tax dispute with the IRS with information on what rules and regulations the IRS revenue officer in their case has to comply with and with representation and guidance during the course of their case.

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