Providing Lasting Solutions
To Complex Tax Issues
  • Take Control Of Your Unpaid Taxes
  • Keep Your Account From Being Wiped Out
  • Get Guidance Before Talking To The IRS

Abigail Caldwell

Abigail Caldwell

Location: Nashville, TN

Phone: 615-733-8168

Born and raised in Loretto, Tennessee, Abigail graduated magna cum laude from the University of North Alabama with a degree in Political Science. There, she served as director of philanthropy and external service chairman of her sorority. Abigail graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Law, where she was a staff editor of The Tennessee Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice and published in Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law. While in law school, Abigail worked at a private firm and as a research assistant. After law school, she spent a semester studying tax law at New York University. Abigail is a licensed attorney in Tennessee. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with her cat Vinny. Abigail joined the Law Office of Lance R. Drury in 2024.

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